Universal Avionics (UA) has introduced its latest InSight integrated flight deck solution with Argentine authorised dealer Redimec S.R.L.'s installation on a Hawker 800XP operated by Global Oils.
The operator turned to the InSight display system for a more modern, reliable flight deck solution to address high failure rates and climbing repair costs associated with existing equipment. The aircraft has now been delivered back to the operator, and is taking flight and ready for international executive travel with new features and a fully integrated display system capable of LPV, CPDLC and ADS-B Out.
“The InSight display system upgrade is an excellent choice for high-end platforms, thanks to its flexibility to work with installed systems that are still viable,” says Dror Yahav, UA CEO. “Operators do not need to perform a complete 'rip and tear' of their cockpit in order to gain the best-in-class capabilities such as data communication and enhanced situational awareness.”
The Hawker 800XP retrofit upgrade is designed to be a more affordable alternative to costly upgrade solutions in the market. The sleek Hawker 800XP installation includes three EFI-1040 displays, a single data concentrator unit II, dual Touch EFIS control display units and alphanumeric keyboards, a single reference select panel and dual UNS-1Fw SBAS-FMSs.
The installed flight deck package offers streamlined operations with added functionality like embedded 3D SVS, electronic charts, advanced mapping, ownership position on runway and the ability to autotune onboard digital radios.