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H145 USB charger brought back to life by SPAES
A USB charging unit in an Airbus Helicopters H145 had got its wires crossed, and was charging poorly. SPAES came to the rescue, installing a new charger in the same position as the previous system.

German Part 21J Design Organisation SPAES has replaced the USB charger in the cockpit of Airbus H145 helicopter for a customer. Due to the poor charging power of the pre-installed USB charging unit in its client's Airbus H145 helicopters, SPAES was commissioned to replace the system. For the new USB charging unit, the customer selected a device with a greater efficiency that it preferred. To achieve this, the pre-installed charging system was removed, and the necessary wiring and mechanical parts were replaced. The new USB charger was then installed in the same position as the previous system.

The new charger units, the new structural parts and the associated cables and small parts were manufactured by SPAES in its own Part 21G production organisation and certified with a Form 1.

“The procurement of the installation kits and the approval of the system from a single source was the decisive argument for our customer to realise the project with us,” reveals Joachim Kies, head of operations at SPAES. “With the installation of the new USB charger, the pilots can quickly and reliably charge all required devices during the operation of the helicopter by day and night.”

The replacement of the USB charging unit was carried out with a Minor Change at SPAES own EASA Part 21J design organisation. The installation kits were assembled at SPAES and delivered to the customer upon completion. The installation was performed at the customer's own Part 145 maintenance organisation.

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