Banyan Air Service
FBO/Handler (Fort Lauderdale Executive / Fort Lauderdale)
International Business Aviation Council
Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport
BAN's World Gazetteer
FloridaFort Lauderdale Executive airport FBO Banyan Air Service has earned the International Standard for Business Aircraft Handling (IS-BAH) Stage II accreditation.
“We are proud to be the only FBO at Fort Lauderdale Executive airport to earn the IS-BAH accreditation and only one of two FBOs in Florida to have earned the IS-BAH Stage II accreditation,” says training and safety manager Kenny Gibson. “Safety is the top priority at Banyan, and the IS-BAH accreditation demonstrates our commitment to providing the industry with the best safety practices."
“Kenny and his team have been working on this project for the past two years; reworking our manual, standard operating procedures and implementing the highest level of safety protocols, which were then audited over the course of five days," adds VP of FBO services Jon Tonko. "I am very proud of the team for completing this process while still serving our guests daily."
Banyan Air Service is in a complex of one million sq ft of hangar and office space within a 110 acre footprint. Banyan provides comprehensive business aviation services, and its aircraft sales department is the southeast sales and service centre for the HondaJet.
The IS-BAH accreditation process involves a complete audit of the FBO's safety management systems, emergency and security procedures, organisational structure, training protocols and operating procedures. Stage II certification is the second of three levels of the highest possible safety standards an FBO can have. It is designed to ensure a handler has met all international standards and provides safe environments through a progressive safety management system (SMS) for FBOs and business aircraft handling agencies.