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P&W reveals Eagle plan as 50,000th PT6 rolls out
The PT6 engine fleet's current flying population is more than 25,000 units, and it has accumulated more than 410 million flight hours. The powerplant propels the Pilatus PC-12 NGX.
Read this story in our January 2021 printed issue.

Pratt & Whitney, a division of Raytheon Technologies, has seen its 50,000th PT6 turboprop engine roll off the production line. With the new PT6 E-Series engine now in full production, powering the Pilatus PC-12 NGX, the numbers continue to grow.

“From the first application more than 50 years ago, the now iconic PT6 engine turns possibilities into realities for our customers around the world on more than 130 different applications today,” comments Irene Makris, VP of sales and marketing. “With each new model of engine developed and designed for a mission, platform and customer in mind, our employees continue to build a more efficient, smarter engine with a shrinking environmental footprint; and they continue to rise to the challenge every day.”

The engine fleet's current flying population is more than 25,000 units, and it has accumulated more than 410 million flight hours. “This production milestone is unmatched in the industry,” continues Makris. “It offers us another opportunity to celebrate the engine's ongoing success as we continue exploring new horizons for even more flying possibilities. The achievement sits as the collective cornerstone of Pratt & Whitney in general aviation. With the PT6 E-Series engine now at the forefront, we remain committed to pushing innovation as we've been doing since the very beginning.”

Pratt & Whitney is also introducing a comprehensive level of pay-per-hour engine maintenance coverage, known as Platinum, for its new PT6 E-Series engine that powers the Pilatus PC-12 NGX aircraft. The coverage is offered through the company's Eagle Service Plan (ESP).

“As the first turboprop engine in general aviation to offer a dual-channel integrated electronic propeller and engine control system, the PT6 E-Series engine has taken aviation to the next level for our customers,” explains Nicholas Kanellias, VP of general aviation at P&W. “The industry has been moving towards a more comprehensive level of engine maintenance coverage, and the Platinum solution for this engine certainly addresses that market-driven trend.”

Pilatus PC-12 NGX owners will discover that Platinum coverage includes all standard items covered by ESP Gold. Beyond that, it offers foreign object damage (FOD) and environment-induced damage, including engine removal, installation and rental, a first in general aviation.

Other engines enrolled in P&W's Eagle Service Plan pay-per-hour engine maintenance solution power the Embraer Phenom 300/300E and 100/100E/100EV business jets.

“Most notably, ESP Platinum coverage includes environmental repair coverage, an important consideration for Phenom operators, many of whom fly in coastal regions with salt-air environments,” comments Tim Swail, VP of customer programmes. “The market overall has been steadily moving towards more comprehensive coverage, and our Phenom customers have been asking that corrosion caused by the operating environment be included. Platinum delivers on that at what we believe to be a very competitive price point.”

Pratt & Whitney's ESP engine maintenance coverage comes with no annual minimums (you only pay when you fly) and is fully transferrable upon the sale of the aircraft.

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