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GHS entrusts entrol with Bell 412 FTD manufacture
entrol will manufacture the simulator in 2023 for delivery to GHS headquarters in Germany in early 2024. Equipped with entrol's latest technology, it will increase the training capabilities GHS offers.
GHS CEO and founder Dominik Goldfuss with entrol CEO and founder Luis Olarte.
Read this story in our December 2022 printed issue.

Germany-based operator Global Helicopter Service (GHS) has entrusted entrol to manufacture its new Bell 412 FTD Level 3 simulator. entrol will manufacture the device in 2023, and it will be delivered to GHS headquarters in Kirchanschöring, Germany in early 2024.

This Bell 412 FTD Level 3 simulator will be equipped with the latest technology entrol has to offer, and it will increase the training capabilities GHS offers to its trainees.

"Having sold another model of an FTD Level 3 is a big milestone for us. We believe that FTDs will be crucial for the future of the industry, and it is reassuring to know that companies like GHS share this same view with us,” says head of sales Nacho Navacerrada.

“This new project will bring a lot of flexibility and synergies to our future training strategy. For our overall pilot’s team we will be able to cover all requirements in terms of training and check flight events including scenario training for our missions in remote environments. Further to this of course we will be able to develop a whole new range of business opportunities within our ATO,” adds GHS CEO and owner Dominik Goldfuss.

This simulator will be the sixth entrol device in Germany, making it the country with the most entrol devices after Spain and Italy.

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