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Business Air News Bulletin
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Milestone PC-12 delivered to Jetfly
Market demand remains strong for the Swiss single engine turboprop as the 1,700th PC-12 enters service with Jetfly Aviation. The company is fleet leader in Europe.
Pilatus' PC-12 sales and marketing director Matthias Luder and Jetfly MD Maxime Bouchard.
Read this story in our December 2019 printed issue.

Luxembourg-based Jetfly Aviation managing director Maxime Bouchard has received the key to the 1,700th PC-12, serial number 1912, at Pilatus' head office in Stans. Jetfly CEO Cédric Lescop commented: “Jetfly operates the largest fleet of PC-12s in Europe, with 40 aircraft in service. The success of the Jetfly fractional programme would not have been possible without this ecological, safe, economic and high performance aircraft.”

Pilatus VP general aviation Ignaz Gretener added: “We have enjoyed an excellent partnership with Jetfly for many years and we are obviously delighted to have it as our customer for this 1,700th PC-12, which represents another milestone for our company. Our customers come to the PC-12 for the simple reason that it delivers the best combination of comfort, performance, safety and efficiency available at any price. We aim to ensure the PC-12 remains the reliable, efficient aircraft it has come to be seen as worldwide, flown by customers who know they can depend on it for many years of excellent operation.”

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