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Global 5000

Aircraft Management

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Voluxis adds Global 5000 to managed fleet
The recent arrival of a Global 5000 at Voluxis has generated a lot of interest among clients who want to fly further afield. Its 10-hour range will get them to the US west coast or the Indian subcontinent.
The Alberto Pinto interior.
Read this story in our April 2022 printed issue.

UK charter and management company Voluxis has added a 13-seat Global 5000 to its managed fleet. The aircraft is based at Farnborough airport and is immediately available for worldwide charter.

Commercial director Gareth Cadwell says: “This is a fantastic addition to our fleet with its range and speed. This particular Global 5000 has one of the best interiors available, a bespoke Alberto Pinto design with the cabin comprising club seating, six individual seats and a three-seat divan. It also has the facility to accommodate overnight flights as the seats fold down to create five beds. The aircraft also features a state-of-the-art entertainment system and wireless Ka-band internet.

“It perfectly complements our existing fleet and offers our customers a 10-hour range, which means such far-flung destinations as the west coast of the US or the Indian subcontinent. It arrived a couple of weeks ago and has already generated a lot of interest from our clients.

“I believe that aircraft owners are increasingly recognising the value that boutique, charter-focused aircraft management companies such as Voluxis can add to their ownership experience. We've seen a noticeable shift away from the large conglomerates in the past year or two, and we look forward to attracting more ultra-long range aircraft in the near future.”

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