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Premier PC-12 extends NextGen's range, capacity and speed
NextGen Aviation Group of Antwerp, Belgium, has taken delivery of its first Pilatus PC-12NG. The aircraft is equipped with a five-blade propeller that reduces cabin noise, and a 'connected' flight deck allows passengers to track the status of the flight via an iPad.
Read this story in our June 2014 printed issue.

NextGen Aviation Group of Antwerp, Belgium, has taken delivery of its first Pilatus PC-12NG. The aircraft is equipped with a five-blade propeller that reduces cabin noise, and a 'connected' flight deck allows passengers to track the status of the flight via an iPad. The aircraft will be added to the company's advanced fractional ownership system.

Ceo Tim de Meijer is delighted with its versatility: “The PC-12 can be operated out of almost any airfield in Europe, because it is capable of flying into places with unpaved runways. That's a very good thing for our clients; they can rely on an aircraft that is able to fly close to their destination.

“It was always our dream to operate the PC-12. This aircraft is for longer segments and larger groups. A flight from Antwerp to Strasbourg or similar routes between one hour and 90 minutes in a SR-22 is made significantly shorter using the PC-12. The average flight is about two to three hours, and you can fly to more exclusive destinations.”

NextGen is seeking a further aircraft of this type, and de Meijer is looking to grow in the Pilatus segment. “Another PC-12 would mean that we can get even better results for our customers,” he concludes.