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Bluedrop teams with supercluster to deliver heli training
With nearly 70 per cent of SAR occurring in marine environments, a project led by Bluedrop and the Canadian Ocean Supercluster will directly increase the safety of personnel working in ocean sectors and improve ops.

Bluedrop Training & Simulation has signed a technology leadership project agreement as part of the Canadian Ocean Supercluster's Accelerated Ocean Solutions Project to deliver its hoist mission training system (HMTS) for full crew SAR helicopter mission simulation over marine environments.

This project will deliver a new device and capability to train SAR operators under realistic mission scenarios including turbulent flow zones, sea state, complex ship and offshore installation geometries and rescue rafts while simulating the full array of east coast Canada and arctic harsh environmental conditions.

With a total project value of over $2 million, the Ocean Supercluster will provide at least $1 million in funding for the project with the balance in funding coming from industry. The Marine SAR Helicopter Mission Simulation Project is led by Bluedrop Training and Simulation partnered with Cougar Helicopters and the Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland to offer the new hoist simulator training for all SAR operators requiring specialised training in marine, offshore oil and gas, arctic and harsh operating environments.

With nearly 70 per cent of SAR occurring in marine environments, this project will directly increase the safety of personnel working in ocean sectors and improve the quality of decision making and operational intelligence of real-time marine operations. This will represent the first training device to provide realistic simulation of performing a hoist over oceans, various support vessels and offshore platforms, using state of the art virtual simulation that leverages data analytics and Artificial Intelligence to provide best in class, real-time feedback and adaptive learning for ocean rescue activity with global applications.

“By working together, Bluedrop Training and Simulation, Cougar Helicopters and the Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland will develop and commercialise the first device to leverage data analytics and Artificial Intelligence in the delivery of realistic and adaptive training for marine search and rescue teams. We are excited to see our members come together to collaborate and solve shared ocean challenges,” says Kendra MacDonald, CEO, Canada's Ocean Supercluster.

“The project will enable Bluedrop to offer a new Sikorsky S92 hoist mission training simulator for all SAR operators requiring specialisation in arctic, offshore and marine operations. The expertise of each team member will provide a new training service and will guarantee quality training and state-of-the-art virtual simulation technology to meet this operational requirement,” confirms Derrick Rowe, CEO of Bluedrop Training & Simulation.

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